Review of Colourscape at Waddeston

Not long left to visit this multi sensory exhibit, a truly great value experience for all. 

A very quick half term review of the return of Colourscape to Waddeston Manor.
(Forgive me for not spending long on this, but I'm a mum its half term. )

Not only do you have the colours and the sound of others experience resounding round you and the bursts of instrumental performance, you have the warm smell of tents. The experience has a physical effect, both optically and occasionally on the inner balance, especially travelling from the red and green areas. Bathed in colours which could easily have become overwhelming, the effect was balanced and cleverly neutralised by occasional areas of grey. It was a labyrinth of colour theory, both technically and emotionally, which everyone young and old and of different abilities appeared happy to get lost in. Even if it made you feel a bit queezy, its fun, like the sensation you get in a hall of mirrors or taking a spin in a tea cup, you could then just go and bathe in the yellow space and relax.

They really took care of you with assistants inside, and most people, such as non artists, may have missed the subtleties which help get participants to interact with the sculpture, such as the removing of shoes and the donning of coloured tabbards before you enter. These clearly have practical applications but they also helped people interact and participate more fully.

Speaking to the person who appeared to be curating the exhibit afterwards, (a nice chap in a gold tabbard called Simon) he said that what was great about Colourscape was that 'each time people participate it will be a different experience to the last.' So well worth a double dip for those who have been before.

I would suggest you get there early if you are going to go, they have a ticket system which allows you to enjoy the grounds of Waddeston and return to the Colourscape 10 mins before your time to participate, which worked well; however based on our timeslot, people arriving after 2.30pm may miss out, as entry to the exhibit closes at 4pm.

We had a great time. Id recommend it. Great value for money if you have national trust membership. £5 each.

Written by Emma Souter (Arts Practitioner for Adumbration Arts)


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