Adumbration Therapy

What is Adumbration Therapy?

Adumbration Therapy or Person Centred Artistic Enquiry (PCAE) is a method of phenomenological enquiry based on gestalt and existential philosophies. The artistic and creative approaches and the philosophy used, reveals hidden truths and cathartic opportunities, to provide participants with creative outlets and self awareness opportunities.  It is not art for relaxation or mindfulness but for those really looking to process or understand actions or attachments in a gentle way, though a combination of art tuition, reflection and counselling. It provides slow, indirect but genuinely therapeutic learning.
Many therapies are courses with  prescribed destinations, aims and end dates, setting many up to fail and suffer the negative effects that an expectation or pressure to achieve can have. The only aim in adumbration therapy is to create and to make realisations in your own time. This therapy is gentle, indirect and can be used your entire life as a method to understand yourself, emotions, actions and others better.

Suitable for those with no prior art experience.
Fees: session rates £32 -£60

This is currently a privately funded and paid for service and the cost is a sliding scale between £32 and £60, as the duration of the programme and the amount of support required is dependant on participants requirements.
We are currently looking for funding to subsidise these rates and those participating in our Research Study do so for free.

Please contact us at to find out more.


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