
Applications for Arts Practitioner Internship (API) 

Suitable for early career artists of any age looking for experience as an arts practitioner.
Rolling programme. Application from any date. 
Duration: One year.  Max student number: 3

This is suitable for an early career artists of any age, from any artistic field, to gain hands on work experience supporting our education and research programme while receiving mentoring and tuition for their professional development. Students will go from helping facilitate other practitioners through to delivery of their own workshops. Students will work on a minimum of 6 events over a year and deliver at least 1 workshops of their own. Students will gain experience in administration, project planning and teaching skills as well as receiving help and support for their career pathway and will receive an appraisal and references for future use. All those completing the programme successfully will receive a Arts Practitioner Diploma.

Contact hours are flexible and are dependant on project dates. Interns will attend as a group once a month for tuition, professional development and tutorials. 

Please contact us at to find out more.


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